Thursday, January 6, 2011

Walking to the Mailbox

Many of you know that I have had CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome) for many years. It always gets worse and harder to manage during the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season. Therefore I have been pretty much "out of commission" and Andy has been just plain BUSY! I was scolded by my Dad yesterday...."jeez you have had the same post since Dec. 26," he said. (sorry Dad!) Honestly, I didn't realize it had been that long. So I took some pictures on my way to the mailbox this morning. We are having a beautiful snowfall today.

This structure is down our road and is always of interest to me. I'll post another picture of it in the spring. Under the snow there is a lawn chair and inside some discarded items. If only walls could talk!



  1. What beautiful sepia toned photos...and what snow!! I love how the camera has captured the falling flakes...and even though you know the snowplow is making lots of noise rumbling is a peaceful photograph. Thanks for sharing your walk to the mailbox))); hope the New Year brings improved health for you Michele.

  2. Ciao and thank you for your comment :-).

    Amazing to see all that snow, and as gardeningbren says, lovely sepia tones!

    I confess I didn't even know what CFIDS was, Michelle, I hope that you will find a good balance in life this coming year.



  3. Brenda and Alessandra,
    Thanks so much for the compliments on my pix. I love old things and can't help hitting the "antique" button on the photo program.

    Also, thank you both for the well wishes. As you say Alessandra, it is truly about finding a good balance....

