Sunday, January 16, 2011

Decadent Breakfast?

As you may recall from our September 2010 post on crêpes, I love them. I like serving them with whipped cream on top as well---the presentation just looks so inviting. Alas, we did not have any whipped cream. 

So . . . I served it with, yes, home-made blueberry ice cream! I did my usual filling of sautéd apples and walnuts . . . in butter, of course!. At the end I tossed in a pinch of salt and one of my favorite spice mixes--Chinese Five Spice Powder: cinnamon, star anise, anise seed, ginger and cloves. 
If you look close you can see I topped off the entire breakfast by drizzling gourmet caramel over the crêpe. Healthy? Maybe not. Decadent? Very likely. Tasty? Out of this world!

Let me know if you want the recipe for the ice cream and have a decadent Sunday!


  1. It looks good to me :-).

    In Sicily I had granita or ice-cream for breakfast in Summer... it is so hot in the morning there that coffee is better frozen than hot.


  2. Never would I have ever thought of using Chinese 5 spice ...but I can taste it was lovely!!

  3. I've come over via Gardeningbrens blog.

    Blueberry ice-cream now that is a flavour I don't see much of in the U.K. I would love the recipe please. MY e mail address is

    Thanking you in advance.
