Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fire Poi

Yes, a little post processing work in Photoshop produced the above.
Poi hails from the Māori people* of New Zealand and is best described as a performance art of spinning a ball or balls in a pattern. See Wiki here. The use of fire is attributed to Hawaii in the mid 20th century (boy, does "20th century" sound old!  ;-> ). 
Michele and I have the fortune of living among many people that are talented, seem to love life, and share their amazing energy. We attended a barn party last night that proved a primal example. One shared his Fire Poi talents while another his bongo accompaniment. Here are some stills and a 3 minute video. In many ways it was serendipitous. But then, the Buddha claimed that there are no . . . accidents or . . . coincidents.
Wishing you a mindful Sunday.
*BTW, if you like movies, I highly recommend "Whale Rider". I thought it a sublime spiritual coming-of-age tale of a Māori village reinterpreting itself in the modern world.

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