Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day Lilies

Orange is favorite color of mine and Lilies are one of my favorite flowers.

As everyone already knows, we don't have a green thumb. These flowers are cared for by the gnomes and fairies who live on the hill.

Another favorite flower of mine is the Black-eyed Susan. So this is fair warning .... there will be many Lily and Black-eyed Susan's posted in the next couple weeks. Sorry ... but the gnomes and fairies have worked hard on these flowers!



  1. I am enjoying more hot colors in the garden and, the day lilies are just coming into their own here. So, it is totally understandable that you commend the fairies and the gnomes by posting photos of their hard work. ;->

  2. Thanks Brenda! I will look forward to seeing pictures of your lilies ... I bet they are beautiful!
