Sunday, May 16, 2010

Question for "Agricultural Landscape Ecology Lab"

ALEL: I found these in our yard today. Any idea what they are and if we should be concerned?
  1. this guy was just cool; about an inch and a half long. Any idea what it is?
  2. are these guys bugs and should we be concerned?
  3. is this a lady bug?


  1. Great pictures Andy!

    The top one is in the family Meloidae and has the common name blister beetle or oil beetle. When disturbed they can release cantharidin which can cause blisters or irritate the skin. I would not worry about this beetle damaging your plants. The second picture is of a scale insect. Scales are plant feeders and there are many that are considered pests. Luckily the third picture is of a lady beetle that appears to be eating one of them!

  2. I love these pics! Especially the blister beetle.

  3. Thanks Mary and Scott! Thank you for taking the time to tell us about these bugs. We appreciate's fun to learn about bugs we haven't seen before. I didn't know that about the beetle. I'm glad I didn't touch it!

