Friday, May 7, 2010

Kitty Kat Katie

A little while ago a friend of ours said that we had a good post for our blog . . . as soon as we started one, that is. Her gentle nudges helped motivate us to finally put this together. And, here is the post from our cat, Katie. Thanks, Amanda!

"On my birthday, April 1st, I did something that I haven't done in months! At about 5am I meowed as loud and long as I could, jumped on their bed, and plopped down on their stomachs and various other 'sensitive' parts. Boy were they bummed; THAT was funny! 

My goal NEXT is to someday make it out of the litter box WITHOUT being grabbed and wiped down. How degrading! I guess I have a little 'extra' around the middle and it . . . sometimes . . . drags a little . . . in the litter box. They're so picky. Wish me luck and meow at you later!"

  ^_ _^
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  1. Katie is such a sweetheart.

  2. Thanks Sue! We think she is. Not sure about how cute she is at 5:00am, but she only did that cause she was excited about her birthday!
