Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Banana Pancake Recipe

I am a bit behind schedule. It is hard for me to keep up with Andy! Ha! He likes a schedule...I'm not so good with schedules, but I am a planner! Just ask him! Anyhow, here is our recipe (adapted from "Post Punk Kitchen").

Banana Pancakes

1 1/4 C whole grain flours (I mix whatever I have on hand; barley, spelt, WW, amaranth)
1/4 C oatmeal (if you don't have oatmeal, throw in some extra flour)
2 t baking powder
1/2 t cinnamon
dash of allspice
1 1/2 - 2 C almond (or soy or rice) milk
2 -3 medium ripe bananas; mashed
1 -2 T oil
1 egg

1) In a large bowl combine the dry ingredients. In another bowl beat the egg and then add the rest of the wet ingredients. Add wet to dry and mix well, but try not to over mix.

2) I use olive oil spray on the griddle and then heat it over medium heat. Make sure it's nicely heated before starting. Cook, flip cook some more and enjoy with your favorite topping. Andy shared his strawberries and whipped cream topping in the earlier post. They are also quite tasty with locally made peanut butter and local honey.


  1. I told Harrison I found a banana pancake recipe and his eyes got really big. Hopefully, they'll be as good as he's expecting :)

  2. Let me know what he thinks of them!

