Saturday, June 12, 2010

Market Bounty

We LOVE market time! Not being “good gardeners” ourselves, we really appreciate what people can do with their green thumbs. We routinely visit flower gardens, elaborate landscapes, parks, and of course the beautiful flora and fauna of our area supplied by nature.

Take this another step further. When local farmers bring in there products from our area, from our soil and water, it’s just a wonderful site to see. And, more importantly for us, to taste! I think seeing the incredible bounty and anticipating its use in recipes is half of the experience—before we even take a bite.

Here’s a quick shot of our haul from the Suttons Bay market. Strawberries (they’re in!), beets, radishes, a new preserve, locally made granola, the list goes on. To be honest, we do NOT use bushel baskets to shop at the market, as serene as that sounds. We DO use canvas bags though, but Michele thought the arrangement “spilling out of” a bushel looks more inviting. I agree.

And, yes, later we’ll share some shots of the dishes we made and may even include some recipes.

Here’s wishing you great bounty as well,

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