Monday, April 16, 2012

Macro Monday

OK, I have to admit, this Macro Monday might be trickier than others. On one hand you may guess correctly "part" of the subject above. The challenge is guessing the subject in its entirety. 

Here is another clue:

And, another...

One more - do you know it yet?

It's an antique door from one of our favorite Suttons Bay stores, The Red Ladder.



  1. Oh my gosh..I thought straight off, that looks like my old door going into the Red Shed. Huge chunks of paint have fallen off this winter, but I like it just as much as I like this door. So pleased to see Sue has one of them herself!!

    How many people have touched that handle and pushed that door open? That's family history!

  2. Wow, you are good Brenda! I would not have guessed it! You are lucky to have a door like it ... I'm trying to talk Andy into letting us give it a home.... I have had my eye on it for months now. It has so much charm and as you mentioned, think of the history!!
