Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cat-Nap Wednesdays

This is what we woke up to this morning ... after getting up in the middle of the night, due to a power outage which was causing back ups to beep.

Ever since we got a new TV Katie has started watching TV. Today I guess she figured since there was no sun in her favorite window that she would watch TV before her nap. Take note of the box she is sitting 'ON' ... yes, on, not in! After I opened the box, she worked and worked trying to figure out how to get in ... finally she decided sitting on it would have to work.

Of course, she took her nap on the box ... she wouldn't want to leave a great new box and sleep in one the beds we have spent lots of $'s on!! That little stinker!

Andy will ask why I took a picture that included one the guide sticks for our plow guy ... answer is, I was far too lazy to put boots on and go outside! (I did go out later but I refuse to use a shovel this late in the year. Besides it's suppose to be 45 degrees and sunny tomorrow.) I heard our total snowfall was about 8 inches ... which is unusual for us this late in April. All the area schools had a snow day.

I felt bad for the hungry birds this morning. This robin didn't seem bothered though ... he just sat in the tree singing. Although I don't know just what words he was singing. (Probably the same ones many of us were saying this morning)


1 comment:

  1. What a lot of snow! Hopefully robin was finding some holly berries or rose hips to keep his energy levels up; likely laying claim to your yard for the summer singing his song. Katie on the other hand ..well let's just call her a boxer! She needs to be in training though but heh, you got the boots, just need the gloves!
