Friday, July 30, 2010

One person's trash.... another person's treasure!

The conversation will go something like this:

Me: Look what I found at a tag sale today!
Andy: Oh, what are you going to do with it?
Me: Put it in my studio.
Andy: Oh, and then what?
Me: I love it, I will just enjoy seeing it while I'm in there.
Andy: Oh.



  1. I've been thinking about this bottle of Boiled Linseed Oil since you bought it and posted the photos. It reminded me of trying to find boiled linseed oil in our small community in Nova Scotia for an oil painting class I signed up for many years ago (with no luck I might add). Did you know it is Flax seed oil? Note to self: Must not leave rags with linseed oil on them anywhere...)) Keep out of direct sun might also be a good thing.

    Michele, the photos are beautiful and I would have bought it too!!)))

  2. Thanks for your support on my purchase Brenda! I told Andy "see Brenda would have bought it too!! ha!

    Interesting that it is flaxseed oil. No, I didn't know that. What happens if you leave it on rags or in the sun??

    My Dad (he's 81) says he remembers having to paint linseed oil on their cedar cabin every spring, not a job he enjoyed.


  3. Think you should read this:

    and go all the way down to where it says Spontaneous Combustion....))

    Makes perfect sense, your dad using it on the cabin to help preserve it..the oil is pretty strong smelling from what I recall.

  4. Interesting reading....this made me recall an incident many years ago. A friend cleaned up after painting, and put the rags in covered metal trash can. It stated on fire in his garage. I will have to ask him if "linseed oil" was involved??

    My Dad was a teenager when he had to paint the cabin every year....he said it as stinky and messy!

  5. Love that bottle Michele. You need a collection of them now. We put linseed oil on our floors.

  6. Sue, It is a cool bottle, isn't it?? I do need a collection!

    You put linseed oil on the floors? Then do you put a coating on top or is that the coating??

