Sunday, July 11, 2010

“Engagement Central” . . . w/ Pix!

There is something magical about this area in which we live. Of course, our post on 7/6/10 tells the amazing Coast Guard engagement story. And, now, we have another one.

Michele and I enjoyed a wonderful sunset on Lake Michigan last night. This was on the main public beach in Leland, about a 15 minute drive from our house. About half way through the evening a young couple with one of their parents sat down to enjoy the sunset not too far from us. After awhile, the young couple went to walk the beach for a bit.

When they came back the woman was crying, yet the whole group was jazzed—the young man had just proposed! And, then we heard the young woman’s Dad say, “My camera battery just died.” Of course, I had my camera equipment with me (“Don’t leave home without it!”) so Michele and I interpreted that as a cue. We’re glad we did.

Not only was the young couple delightful, but we had a chance to chat with the parents as well. Come to find out, they lived in Michele’s home town for over a decade—not even a mile from where Michele grew up and where her parents still live! In fact, it is almost certain that Michele’s mom served the bride-to-be a high school lunch at some point before she retired. What a small, wonderful world it is.

I got about 5 shots of the two. And, as you can see by the beautiful samples here, I don’t think they can take a bad picture!


Andy & Michele


  1. Wow, that is such a great story. And the pictures and sunset are beautiful. That is so neat that the lived by your parents Michele.

  2. beautiful! I wish them (a wonderful life together (as happy as yours and Michele's and mine and Don's :D)

  3. So you can't swim here in the Atlantic Ocean as you said in your comment on my you planned to go to the Lake, and are witness to another heart warming and wonderful marriage proposal! What rainbows do you have over your heads???

    Well things like this happen in three's.....ahem...keep that camera at the ready Andy!! and yes, don't leave home without it!

    What a sunset...what a day!!

  4. This could be a part time job for you. As long as you promise not to jump in the photos with them . . . you've told me about your family photos and the placement of your hand . . .

  5. OK, Amanda, now THAT's funny!

  6. Thanks to everyone for the comments! It really was such a sweet event and then to find the bride grew up near my folks.....she and I graduated from the same high school ...... 25 years apart though. Wow, that makes me feel so old.

  7. so nice....just another life "opportunity" to be make a positive contribution to humanity.
