Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cat Nap Wednesdays


Katie says BOO! She was very confused by this gourd I brought inside for her today.

She thought she wanted to touch it, but wasn't quite sure.

Finally she decided it was an "OK" Halloween item! 

As far as her recovery goes, I am very, very, happy to report that she is doing much better. It seems her medication was upsetting her stomach and she would not eat. We know that cats can't not go too long without eating before they develop "Hepatic lipidosis", commonly known as fatty liver. This happens even quicker in an overweight kitty. So this was very scary, as she was turning down food day after day. I hand fed her, small amounts, around the clock. Last week she was tested for Hepatic lipidosis and the test came back negative. Yay!!! About 12 hours after her last dose of medication she started begging for food ... and has not stopped. We can't thank the Vets and staff at the "Suttons Bay Animal Hospital" enough. They always go way beyond the call of duty to help. Thank you, Thank you, to everyone at the clinic!!! 

                        Katie is happy to show off her Halloween card from Aunt Lory!


Our thoughts go out to everyone on the east coast as they begin to heal and rebuild. 


  1. So happy Katie is better!!!!!! Just love the expression on her face.

  2. Thanks Sue! She certainly gave us a scare!

    She was really funny with the gourd this morning! Her expression cracks me up too! She wasn't quite sure if she wanted to touch the gourd or not. It was all wet from the rain and she probably didn't want to get her paw wet.


  3. I do think your Katie has lost some weight!! but although that might be fine, not in the way she lost it. So pleased she is well again!!

    Beautiful Gourd btw.

  4. Thanks Brenda! I don't think Katie lost any weight ... but she would like too! Thanks for all of your thoughts and well wishes for her. She is doing so much better!

    It is a cool gourd, isn't it? Our friend has a bakery/market and she grew it:

