Wednesday, November 24, 2010


If it isn't obvious, Michele is incredibly creative and has a knack for decorating. In fact, she's been wanting to decorate for Christmas since BEFORE Halloween! Yeh, that's right; it was just too early for me. 

BUT, now, we're in full swing. She made most of the stockings in these shots out of worsted wool (I love wool!) and collected a few more. We thought it made the most sense to group the collection together. We like it. 
Note the main, larger two in the upper half of the arrangement. Beautiful hand-made stockings by Michele. And, yes, if she had her way they'd all be stuffed with presents . . . for her!  ;->

Hope your holidays are off to a great start!


  1. Oh my, there are pretty special alright. Beautiful art Michele, a strong attention to detail...lovely.

  2. You two are so creative! It's been a while since I've visited... LOVED the chocolate story, LOL Also the stair, milkweed and many MANY other photos. I dig the new background (not sure if it's "new" anymore) The other thing that is awesome about this site is the recipes with the photos, WOW. Now I'm hungry... Keep it up!

  3. These are really really great!!! I would like stocking like these :-)


    ps, first time here, through Gardeningbren, I will follow you too :-)

  4. Thanks everyone for the kind words. And, Michele, IS talented!

  5. Love your stockings Michele. Perfection!! I am behind in reading my favorite blogs due to the apartment work.
