Monday, September 20, 2010

Soccer: Keeper Miranda!

A couple of weekends ago I was able to photograph (stalk?  ;-> ) my niece, Miranda, playing soccer. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I do NOT know anything about this sport, but it was fun and it looked like she did a good job. Many of the parents and fans cheered her on and stated how well she did.

If she does as well in soccer as she is doing in school then I think she will be a very successful athlete. However, I think the former is more important . . . IMHO.  ;->

Regardless, keep up the great work, Miranda, in all that you do---follow your bliss!



  1. Soccer is super fun to photograph. There's always some strange body movement and expression. I'll confess too, I really have no idea what goes on during the game except for the goal part :)

  2. Wow - Nice action shots! I love the determined facial expressions. (And, not that I'm biased or anything, but she looks pretty good!)

  3. Since I'm the Auntie, I can be as biased as I want ..... I think she looks perfect! Really determined and into her game! And I might add, quite the young lady too!
