Thursday, August 5, 2010

In-Camera vs. Post-Processing

Ever since Michele and I started this blog, I've been waiting to make a post like this. 

A friend of mine has become very creative in a really cool, experimental way in his retirement. He loves photography, but loves even more modifying the pictures AFTER they have been taken. He does this, of course, on his computer in what is generally known as "post-processing" or after the original picture has been taken "in-camera." Here is a fun example.

My original shot is above. He, his son, a young friend, and me did a garden shoot together recently. His son is an amazingly talented gardener (like Gardeningbren and Sue!) and has what must be thousands of blooms to shoot in and around his gorgeously landscaped yard. I took several hundred shots within an hour and burnt a CD for my friend. 

Below is my friend's "magic" on the file above. Albeit different, but really cool, very beautiful. Here's to you and your creative expression, Jim, and thanks for being such a great role model in both art . . . and life.



  1. That would be cool printed on canvas!

  2. Very neat. Like a painting. It would be beautiful on canvas. Can you do this Andy?

  3. blush blush... and thank represent my father well....I have a 11x14 coming soon.... thanks

  4. Quite an Old Masters painting.

  5. Yes---Michele and I are going to look at doing this on canvas--it's cool!

    You're welcome, Mark!

    Thanks, Bren. Some of Jim's "computer paintings" are quite remarkable. This one just hit me.
