Sunday, July 8, 2012

Barred Owls (Instead of Macro Monday)

One of the babies blending perfectly and amazingly with the tree trunk. 

We wanted to post this barred owl family as soon as we could. We'll return to the regularly scheduled programming (Macro Monday) next week. Recently we found a family of barred owls within a quarter mile or so from our house. 


These are NOT great shots, but we thought them great moments. They were screeching at each other as they "awoke" for the evening hunt. We saw at least 4. If we get better pix we'll post more. Until then, we'll keep observing their nesting area and enjoying any peek we get.


A bad pic of one of the parents; beak clicking.


  1. Andy, what you think is a bad pic..I think is wonderful..that last one...awesome. Those with "the siblings"...fantastic. I loved seeing these and hope you post more. Wow..just a big wow!

  2. Thanks, Bren, for the support! We'll do our best to get some more--fingers crossed. Also, tomorrow and later I'll post other types of "flyers." ;->
