Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter on the Boardman, Part I

It's been an odd winter in northern Michigan. Some record breaking snow falls - as in NO snow - along with unseasonably warm temps. Friday night our local meteorologists predicted about an inch of snow. We woke up to over 6! 

Michele and I thought it a gorgeous, heavy, wet snow that clung to most everything. For about an hour or so with camera in hand I was able to walk along the Boardman River that meanders through Traverse City. It was sublime.


  1. Sublime is right. It is exactly like that here now...the same kind of snow..sticking to the trees, and we too were to get just a few flurries...not!! Beautiful photos Andy..just beautiful!! Do we have 'snow heart'?

    Blue/grey sky and white clouds make it all perfect.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Bren, and yes, we do have snow heart! First we've heard the term and we like it. We feel like if you're going to have winter, then have WINTER. ;->
