Sunday, November 6, 2011

Walking Stick

A face only a mother could love? Oh, I don't know, it's kinda cute.
A neat creation of nature, the walking stick is not something we see often. When we do it's nice to have a little time to watch him/her amble about. Do they or any insect ever say to themselves, "Oh, I think I'll cross that path and go to the tree on the other side." 
Do they ever "know" specifically where they are going? Or, do they just have a general sense and that is all they need? They must have some specific idea on one hand because insects have hives, webs, nests, etc. to which the return time and again. I guess travel to and from home is relative; it's all the same, in concept, regardless of your size . . .
Note his antenna in the upper left--he was pretty long!

1 comment:

  1. what an awesome insect...have never seen one!! but such beauty...lots a mother can love. Such an amazing photo group as all your photos are.
