Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring is in the Air

Again we lucked out with some nice weather on Mother's Day. 
Granted, Michele is "just" a cat mom, but sometimes we feel . . . . like it is having a perpetual 2 year old! 
Regardless, we enjoyed the day with a short outing: a picnic with pix! Can you beat that?


  1. Great pix I might add. Our L often speaks of the red wing blackbird in Michigan...guess that is a photo of one? Seems right))). Look at that blue sky..sigh...and lucky you.

  2. Yes, Brenda, that is red wing blackbird, one of the first birds to return in the spring. They have a loud call. When I was growing up, downstate, they were very loud near our home ... they seem to like wet lands and my folks like on a lake. My Mom and I would often comment on their loud voices as we walked up to our mailbox....
