Monday, June 20, 2011


Click for a larger picture of the balloonist inspecting the lines.
I was lucky enough to have a ballooning photoshoot awhile back. The balloonist that took me, Jeff Geiger, was the person who coordinated the event of the previous post. I highly recommend him; he's simply excellent, safe and professional. Grand Traverse Balloons.
Prep for lift-off.
Instead of "go fly a kite", go fly a . . . BALLOON! 
Straight down . . .
About a mile up . . . you can see the curvature of the earth.


  1. Oh my, what a wonderful experience that must have been Andy. The photos are colorful and professional...of course ) Look at the curve of the earth and the pink line on the horizon. So is this Suttons Bay?

  2. Hi Bren and thanks again, as always, for the comments and kind words. Yes, this is the area in which we live. For the most part, below the basket proper is Traverse City, MI. But, int the high, long distance shots Suttons Bay is in the background. It was a wonderful time. You'll need to come to the area and contact Jeff Geiger! ;->
