Saturday, June 19, 2010

Strawberry season

The strawberries are in and we can't seem to get enough! As I type, I am drinking a strawberry, banana smoothie. We both love shortcake, but we bake simple scones for the cake part.

Classic Cream Scones (adapted from "Simply Scones" By L. Weiner & B. Albight)

1 1/2 C white flour
1/2 C Barley flour
2 t baking powder
3 T sugar
1/8 t salt
1/3 C unsalted butter, chilled
1/2 C heavy cream
1 egg
1 1/2 t vanilla

In a large bowl mix dry ingredients. Use a pastry cutter or 2 knifes to cut butter into flour mixture, working until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. In a small bowl combine the cream, egg and vanilla; stir into flour mixture just until combined. I use a Mini-Scone Pan and bake at 425 for 10 - 13 minutes. (if you don't have a scone pan you can pat dough to about 1/2 inch thick, cut into wedges, place on a baking sheet and bake as directed above. Serve with strawberries and save the leftover scone to enjoy for the breakfast. (see June 13 post for Andy's strawberry and whipped topping recipes)



  1. Do you have the Simply Scones book? We bake Blueberry ones and they are my favorite. Thanks for the link for the mini-scone pan! We didn't know they made scone pans; ours always look like logs :)

  2. We do have the "Simply Scones" book. It has both sweet and savory scones and is a pretty handy little book!

    I like the pan because I am far to lazy to roll and cut out the scones! Ha!

