Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Recently, I was the lucky recipient of a "Random Act of Kindness." I stopped in a friend's gallery; a person of many talents, one of them being jewelry making. He showed me some of his latest designs, which include beach stones and we chatted about the joy of stone picking. As we shared stories of favorite stones and the best rock hunting places, in the humblest of ways he placed one of his new creations around my neck and simply said, "I would like you to have this." A true gift of the heart that I will always cherish.

I made this thank you card for him, using stones and beach glass that I have collected. The blue one is called "Leland Blue" and only found on beaches in Leland.



  1. The leland blue stone is beautiful, as is the card. You are very artistic. The necklace...just as creative...what a fine gift, given from the heart.

  2. Thanks Sonja and Brenda! I love the blue stone too and really enjoy hunting for it. This spring has been rather hectic and we haven't been to the beach for stone picking yet! Maybe this weekend??!!!
