Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oil Change with a View

I took a walk and snapped a few pictures while my truck was getting an oil change.

I walked a bit by the water.

And strolled through the woods.

Thanks to Van's Garage for all of their hard work!



  1. You have had such wonderful blue skies!! I wish you were journaling your holiday more intensely..I feel like I am missing out)))))

    I tried taking some autumn photos but guess what..they can't compare with yours..how do you do it?????

    Thanks to Van's Garage!! Yeh Van!!

    And who's that crazy cat with the fish bone neck tie?

  2. thanks for your kind compliments Brenda! I think we would have journaled our vacation more, but we packed the days full and came home pretty tired!

    It is nice we have Van's to look after our trucks. My Dad and brother are mechanic's, so I never had to worry about "car stuff" till we moved here. I was very happy to find Van's!

    The cat was painted for (I think) the Humane Society fundraiser a few years ago. He sits, in the woods, right by the river.

    Thanks for reading,


  3. Beautiful! I especially like the squirrel! Someday I would love to drive up North during the color change :)

  4. Leland is a great place for a walk. Really nice Michele.
